Rebel Gray, Mountain Green - Picture Gallery
Some of the major players in our story
Saint Alban himself -
The centurion who
became a Christian
and lost his head for it.
Bennett Henderson
Young- the
seminarian who
became a soldier -
rather the opposite
of the good saint.
Union Captain George Conger - on convalescent leave in peaceful Vermont, he was rather surprised when...
...Confederate Corporal
McGorty stepped out
of the autumn foliage.
Ann Eliza Smith, First Lady
of Vermont, prepared to
defend the mansion with
a horse pistol.
Erasmus Darwin Fuller,
the stablekeeper,
fought back with
Grandpa's flintlock.
Sammy Fuller: he
too fought, he got
Sheriff Sherman -
irony in that name.
Just as mean as the
General though.
Adalbert Sherman,
the sheriff's son,
desperately wanted
a part in all this.
He got one.
Elinas Morrison,
an out-of-towner,
found himself in
the wrong place
but perhaps the
right time.
Laura Lewis, Southern
belle and somewhat